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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Data Sheet on the Beach

Over Winter break, my family decided to go to an island in Florida called North Captiva Island. Aside from being a 30 minute boat ride away from any other islands, having only 3 restaurants and not even that many houses, its got beautiful beaches and a tropical jungle atmosphere. During a few of the days, the temperature of the ocean dropped so that it was not swimmable, for me at least, giving me alot of time to lay on the beach, and work on my data sheet. While sunning with my book and notebook in hand, I saw a large, white boat, laden with 10+ passengers and 4 fishing poles off the back, heading out to sea. All four of my family members took it as a different scenario for the passengers. The Bush family, (as in the 2 presidents) is staying on the island Boca Grande, which is very close to us, so my mom claimed that the boat was, "secret service scoping out the other islands". My younger brother then took the opposite idea, and announced that the boat was, "full of Bosnian spies who had nuclear misslies in the big coolers aboard the boat and were trying to assainate Bush. I imagined that it was the mental patients boat, but that only engineered confused looks from my family, and a "uh ok katie" from my brother. My Dad then spoiled the fun by saying, "Well, I saw that family we thought looked like they were on Jersey Shore get on the boat after we played tennis today. So, I'll bet that's them." Even thousands of miles away, on a beach on an island, I still CANNOT escape AP English.


  1. Katie, I find this very funny. As soon as you mentioned the boat I right away thought of the patients as you stated shortly after. You truly cannot ever escape AP English. I am very jealous that you got to do your data sheet on a beach though as I slave away in cold Ohio.

  2. Katie,
    Same with Kathryn I also thought of the book right away and it’s funny how no matter where any of us are we think of AP English at random moments. The whole time I was on break I definitely thought about English at least a couple times a day.
