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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Missing English

This past week, while feeling like I was on my deathbed, I missed one day of English. Normally, when I miss a day of school, I try to come for even just a little bit of class, in an attempt to keep up and not miss any funny inside jokes that I'll hear about the next day. The feeling of missing English class is similar to the feeling you get when you're; the only one not in an inside joke with 14 other people, you haven't seen the really funny youtube video that they have all seen and love, or you haven't seen the movie they've all seen and spontaneously, all the copies of the movie were burnt in some freak accident, and you will never be able to see the movie, and yet they all find it so funny they have to quote it all the time and you have to ask "what's that from again?" after every quote. That's if you miss a normal-ish days. Some days, its not like that. Some days, its just so stressful to miss English. "Oh yeah, today we did a worksheet, had a discussion, and wrote a journal so that'll be fun for you to make up!" friends will say as you begin to panic. They might as well have read War and Peace in there by the time you'll be all caught up. But, even though it is super stressful to miss english, the calendar is your little cheat sheet to missing class. As long as you stay up to date on your reading, you most likely will not have an english-class-stressfulness-inducing death.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I agree with you. When I was younger I wished I could miss school so much more often, but once I got to high school, missing school became incredibly difficult. I remember one time last year I went to school even though I was really sick and the doctor yelled at me, but I just couldn't miss all the stressful classes I had that day.
