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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Take AP English

10. Finding out that you really are a terrible writer

9.  Being able to watch the poor student Ms. Serensky picks to torment (for us it was Thomas)

8. Feeling ridiculously superior to any other students who aren't in AP English

7. Getting to go on one super exciting field trip a year

6. Eventually getting the confidence to say hi to Ms. Serensky instead of getting the feeling that you want to run and hide in a locker when she walks by

5. Being able to be the one with the heaviest work load at your commons table, meaning you would win your table's daily competition of "who's life sucks the most?"

4. Getting to read all the funniest/stupidest things Ms. Serensky's other students have said, and feel superior since you are on this packet of quotes, which in your mind is the, "winners list"

3. Getting that extra 1 point on your GPA for the extra 80 million hours of work you do as opposed to Honors English

2. Having the possibility of getting a sticker on an assignment


1. Being able to participate in the super competitive multiple choice game against people who would crush you in other academic subjects


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