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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sugar Rush

This past week, with the numerous poetry teachings, we were all given large quantities of candy, as a reward for doing what we normally do in English class, which is discuss. I find this very ironic. I think that all the students who used candy as a prize in their demonstrations, secretly were trying to convey a message to Ms. Serensky. Although Serensky's tactic of just intimidating looks, and the occasional nod that can make a students whole week, do work at aiding in class discussions, the candy could  be a more positive way to get kids to talk. I've decided to make pros and cons for giving out candy instead of discussion points.

-its delicious
-its a little distraction, allowing your mind to take a short break to think about other ideas
-looking down and seeing a piece appear next to your arm is an excellent little surprise
-we would all have better grades if it was candy instead of points
-relieves stress

-rotting teeth
-not able to fit through the door
-eventually crashing every day and not being able to function?

In all, I believe the candy was a great enlightenment to our classes. Ms. Serensky, I would greatly salute you if you were to partake in candy giving. May I also suggest friday candy giving? It could make discussions much more interesting?

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